• ‘R’ lets you reset the camera (very useful in the next few sections)
  • ‘P’ lets you pick the object that is under the mouse cursor (a red box will be shown around it)
  • ‘F’ lets you focus on a model that is under the mouse cursor
  • ‘W’ sets the scene to a full wireframe
  • ‘S’ sets it back to filled triangles
  • '5' for toggling Camera/Actor interactor

In [5]:
import pickle

In [12]:
import GeMpy as gempy

In [13]:
geo_data = pickle.load(open( "FabianLessPoints.pickle", "rb" ) )

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-7fcec16cb9a0> in <module>()
----> 1 geo_data = pickle.load(open( "FabianLessPoints.pickle", "rb" ) )

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gempy'

In [2]:
sol = np.load("pot_field2.npy")

In [3]:
sv = [0.157476,0.274137,0.254995,0.094725]

In [4]:
GeMpy.visualize(geo_data, pot_field=sol, surface_vals=sv)

In [7]:
a = vtk.vtkPolyData()

In [12]:
if type(a) == vtk.vtkPolyData:


In [9]:


In [ ]: